10 July 2015

What I learn from 003: Jennifer Gove - Design principles for a better mobile web

Talk can be found be here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqviGwyy7y0

This talk was about an important principles when you design website that is optimised for mobile.It is  based on User Experience Research done by Google and AnswerLab.
I think, it is a mandatory talk to watch by anybody who is response in designing and developing website these days.

This is list of principles that I found most useful from this talk:

  1. Describe a primary purpose for your site (key actions)
  2. Menu short and sweet  (menu for desktop and mobile should be different)
  3. Make easy to get back to homepage. (It sounds obvious but many 
  4. Search is one of the most important component and on mobile due the restrictions that they have. It is  important that search contains features like auto completion , misspell correction, suggested result and ability to  filter  and sort or At least use Guide approach as pre-filter to narrow down results (start from selecting things like size,genger,category) .
  5. Ensure that only relevant result are displayed. 
  6. Don't require register upfront .. Allow  User to  browse and explorer before they make any commit. This is one of the stupidest marketing decision that some website took in my opinion.(I ,for example automatically leave website).
  7. Allow buy as guest.
  8. Allow user to pick-up from place,where it left.
  9. Design efficient forms (and keep them to minimum) by Re-use or use pre-existing information ,provide visual calendars for dates and use real-time error validation (and keep error message inline and high light fields that are wrong.
  10. Don't use pan and zoom. I noticed that 
  11. Provide expandable /tappable images.
  12. Be clear why you need a user's location. it is something new for me but after thoughts I agree, that  unexpected request for location can be suspicious.

I was aware of most principle but some of them was new (about location ,expandable /tappable images and allow user to pick-up from place,where it left.) so I believe ,this talk  will come useful for many of you.


  1. http://www.google.com/think/multiscreen/whitepaper-sitedesign.html?utm_source=session-design&utm_medium=slides&utm_term=chrome&utm_content=T95A7C&utm_campaign=io-14
  2. https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
  3. https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqviGwyy7y0

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